2024 年の最も簡単なサイドハッスル
アプリのテストが大好きなハイテク中毒者でも、ジャンク好きのガラクタのティーンエイジャーでも、誰にとっても何かが必ず見つかります。以下は、2024 年に始められる 15 の簡単な副業です。
1. アプリのテスト
収益の可能性:低い– テストごとに 10 ~ 20 ドル
初期費用:低– $0
あなたのフィードバックは私たちにとって貴重です。開発者、マーケティング担当者、その他の専門家がアプリケーションやユーザー インターフェイスを市場に展開する前にテストできるよう支援できることを想像してみてください。アプリのテストを行うと、それを簡単に行うことができます。
指示に従い、正しくテストし、追加のテストを受けるチャンスを獲得してください。この副業を最大限に活用するには、UserTesting、Analysia、UTest、StartUpLift などの Web サイトにサインアップしてください。
2. ソングレビュー
収益の可能性:低い– 月あたり 1 ~ 50 ドル
初期費用:低– $0
音楽を聴くのが好きですか?支払いをやめて、代わりに支払いを受け始めましょう。 Radio Earn、Earnively、Slice The Pie などの Web サイトに登録して、好きなことで報酬を得るチャンスを手に入れましょう。
年間 200 ドルから 2,000 ドルの間ですぐに現金化できますが、音楽を聴いたり、好きなことに現金を使用したりする必要があることを考えると、悪くありません。
3. フォーカスグループ
収益の可能性:低い– 研究あたり 5 ~ 400 ドル
初期費用:低– $0
利益を得るまでの時間: 1週間~1か月
簡単にお金を稼ぐためにできるもう 1 つの超簡単な副業は、有料の調査研究に参加することです。フォーカス グループに参加して、Web サイト、製品、サービス、その他の調査研究について思慮深い会話に参加してください。
参加費に加えて、ユーザーは、早めに参加して完了するだけの簡単なことで、Amazon ギフト券や追加のお金を獲得することさえ共有しました。 User Interviews、Respondent、Rare Patient Voice などの Web サイトで報酬を受け取ります。
4. アンケートの実施
収益の可能性:低い– 調査あたり 1 ~ 5 ドル
初期費用:低– $0
利益を得るまでの時間: 1 日~1 か月
Survey Junkie、Swag Bucks、Inbox Dollars などの Web サイトをチェックして、今すぐ参加を始めてください。
5. うんこを売る
収益の可能性:中– 月あたり 25-1.5,000 ドル
初期費用:低– $0
収益の可能性:中– 1 時間あたり 18 ~ 24 ドル
初期費用:低– $0
利益を得るまでの時間: 1 週間
Amazon Flex で車と時間を有効活用しましょう。 Amazon Flex ウェブサイトにサインアップし、勤務時間を選択し、外出先で荷物の受け取りと配達を行うだけです。ガソリンや減価償却費なども償却しましょう。週に2回給料が支払われることを考えると、この契約はかなり魅力的だ。
7. ポッドキャスティング
収益の可能性:中– 月あたり 10 ドルから 1,000 ドル以上
初期費用:低– $0 ~ $150/月
利益を得るまでの時間: 6 ~ 12 か月
話すのは好きだけどカメラは恥ずかしがりませんか?ポッドキャスティングは、カメラの光から身を守りながら、自分の情熱を追求するのに役立ちます。プレミアム エピソード、リスナーの寄付、広告、スポンサーシップなどについて語り合いましょう。
おまけに、比較的安価に行うことができます。必要なのは、100 ドル以下で購入できる USB マイクだけです。独自のポッドキャストを開始する場合は、Audacity、Bounce Cast (無料および有料) などのプラットフォームを検討してください。
8. オンデマンド印刷
収益の可能性:中– 製品あたり 3 ~ 20 ドル
初期費用:低額– $0 ~ $200/月
利益が得られるまでの時間: 1 ~ 3 か月
寝ていても売れるなんて誰が想像したでしょうか?そうですね、オンデマンド印刷ならこれが可能になります。オンデマンド プリント ビジネスでは、シャツ、マグカップ、ヨガ パンツなどの何百ものアイテムに自動的に配置されるユニークなデザインを作成します。
デザインは非常にシンプルです。 Canva などのプラットフォームで手動で行うことも、Vxels などの特別なデザイン プラットフォームを活用して有利なスタートを切ることもできます。複数のプラットフォームに何百ものデザインを展開し、最もパフォーマンスの高い商品を反復処理できます。
9. アイテムの反転
収益の可能性:中– 月あたり $200 ~ $500
初期費用:低– 0 ~ 100 ドル
利益が得られるまでの時間: 1 ~ 3 か月
安く買って高く売る。はい、アイテム反転は現実のものであり、人々はそれでかなりのお金を稼いでいます。再加工、修正、手入れをして販売して利益を得ることができる製品を探してください。エステート セール、ガレージ セール、Facebook マーケットプレイスのようなグループは、反転可能なアイテムの優れた供給源となる可能性があります。
家電製品、自動車、さらには収集品にも大きな可能性があります。販売する準備ができたら、Etsy などのプラットフォームに商品を出品するか、もう少しお金を払っても構わない専門グループを見つけてください。
10. ウーバー/リフト
収益の可能性:低い– 1 回の乗車につき 11 ~ 20 ドル
初期費用:低額– $50 ~ $100/月
運転のコツはあるが、Amazon のパッケージよりも人を好む場合は、代わりに Uber または Lyft を試してください。スケジュールに従ってドライブし、時間に余裕があるときに副収入を稼ぎましょう。利益を計算する前に、運用コストと減価償却費を忘れずに考慮してください。
11. ジャンクの除去
収益の可能性:中– 1 件あたり 100 ~ 350 ドル
初期費用:中 – $50-$250
利益が得られるまでの時間: 1 ~ 3 か月
自分や他の人のジャンクに飛び込み、その間にお金を稼ぐチャンスを手に入れましょう。仕事を獲得するために独自の Web サイトを作成する場合でも、Curb-it のような既製のアプリケーションを使用する場合でも、ジャンクを他の場所に輸送すると、簡単に月数百ドルを稼ぐことができます。
12. Etsy プリンタブル
収益の可能性:中– 製品あたり 3 ~ 20 ドル
初期費用:低– 月あたり 1 ~ 50 ドル
利益が得られるまでの時間: 1 ~ 3 か月
世界はオンラインに移行し、デジタル テンプレートとダウンロードの需要は 10 倍に増加しました。ウォールアートからテンプレート、ジュエリー、アート、装飾品まで、あらゆるものをデザインします。 Etsy などのプラットフォームでニッチな商品を提供し、長期的に受動的収入をもたらします。
13. ペット・お留守番
収益の可能性:中– 1 泊あたり $30 ~ $80
初期費用:低– $0
ベビーシッターをする気がない場合は、代わりに家やペットの世話をすることを検討してください。これは、副収入を稼ぎたい動物愛好家にとって完璧な副業です。動物保護の学位または認定資格を持っている場合は、1 日あたりさらに多くの金額を請求することも簡単にできます。
14. 雑務
収益の可能性:中– 1 時間あたり $20 ~ $50+
初期費用:低– $0
家族はあなたに、家の中の物を直すよう頻繁に要求しますか?これを副業として考えて、この便利なスキルを活用してください。修理をしたり、家具を移動したり組み立てたり、設置の手伝いをしたりすることもできます。 Handy や Task Rabbit など、多くのプラットフォームがあなたの地域の奇妙な仕事を見つけるのに役立ちます。
15. データを販売する
収益の可能性:低い – 月あたり 3 ~ 180 ドル
初期費用:低– $0
収益化までの期間: 1 か月
So if you’re coaching to get a bigger chest at residence, you can observe this
program with a barbell, some dumbbells, and an elevated flat floor for dips.
The focus with the hex press is to now have
the load pressed in front, but with the dumbbells held tight
together in a neutral place (palms going through each other).
Slow and controlled is the way in which to go toward constructing a fuller chest, while on the same time working your shoulder
and triceps as well.
This train increases explosive energy and builds up your chest muscles.
All you have to do is place your hands wider than shoulder-width aside.
This position will shift the emphasis onto your chest muscle tissue, making them work harder.
One Other factor to note is that in my personal experience and in my evaluation of the literature, I observed there is
lots of particular person variation in terms of the most effective workout routines for the chest.
For example, anatomical variations like how far down your pecs insert on your
humerus can determine if issues like bench press are a
great choice for you or not. So though results from studies
will apply to most individuals, they don’t account
for each particular person.
In different words, to find a way to construct inside pec mass,
you merely should focus on building your complete chest as an entire.
As your chest gets greater and stronger over time, your inner pecs may even grow along with it.
The bicep cable curl is amongst the best isolation exercises
for the of bicep. It’s a pulling motion carried out with a cable machine and is suitable for novices.
Unlike barbell or dumbbell workouts, the cable supplies a uniform
resistance throughout the movement, where the resistance varies in the
course of the carry. If you’re on the lookout for a simple cable leg
workout and workouts to build mass and energy in your
legs, then cable stiff leg deadlift, is a great staple train to get you started.
The plate squeeze press is a good possibility for including to your chest exercise routine to increase muscle hypertrophy
and create chiseled and outlined pectorals. The internal chest is the
area of the chest that is located between the 2 pectoralis main muscular tissues.
The sternal head, which is the decrease chest, is the house of the inside chest.
Keep In Mind, constructing an enormous outlined chest isn’t solely about hitting the three areas of the pectoral
muscle fibers.
These workout routines are positive to challenge you and assist you to achieve superb outcomes.
If you want to enhance your chest power, push-ups are
simply what the physician (in physical therapy) ordered.
Skip the heavy weights to give consideration to muscle definition to attain one of the most sought-after aesthetic goals.
Narrowing your hand spacing is a straightforward approach to
goal the internal pecs with a push-up. There are
many variations of push-ups for the inner chest, similar to the Slender Grip Push-Up
and Diamond Push-Up. By understanding how
to discover your line of pull, you possibly can tailor your exercises to maximise the development of this space and
obtain a more balanced and sculpted chest total. Push-up handles not solely
improve the ergonomics of the push-up and scale back stress and pressure on your wrist but they also might be used to
increase the issue of the exercise.
The muscle’s medial head has a major role, though
all three heads come into play when the burden is heavy and the pace of movement increases.
The two actions are remarkably similar, but dumbbells require
better coordination, because both sides is working independently.
This ultimately provides a slightly greater vary of motion and for some bodybuilders with shoulder problems, provide less stress.
The bench press is a good chest exercise, and when you improve the weight you probably
can lift in this exercise, your chest will grow.
In this part, we’ll check out 4 of one of the best chest workouts,
that complement each other by way of what muscle fibers they target.
Isolation workout routines are exercises that focus on a single muscle group, whereas compound workouts work a quantity of muscle groups.
Isolation workouts are used to address a muscle imbalance or focus on particular muscle teams that are uncared for in compound actions.
The bench press is, without a doubt, one of the best workouts for constructing mass, especially within the chest, however chest isolation exercises assist sculpt and define the pecs.
In this article, we will train you concerning the anatomy of the
muscle tissue and the entire greatest isolation chest exercises to
help get your pecs outlined.
These workout routines are perfect for introducing as a
part of a full-body workout or for those days you actually wish to hone in on the chest.
Mix up your single-arm fly work by taking
a knee and adding some extra motion and core-challenging parts.
Your decrease chest and obliques will reap the rewards of your work, too.
You may be used to utilizing dumbbells for flys, however cables or resistance bands can serve a barely
different purpose. Put Together to maximise your gains with our unique
12-week hypertrophy coaching program. Choose between a four or 5 day coaching cut up
and achieve 2-12 kilos of muscle over 90 days…
Great for each chest and back, the dumbbell pullover prompts a lot of the
chest from a slightly uncommon angle, while preserving arm rotation so you’re nonetheless hitting your internal chest.
One of its primary advantages lies in its ability to interact and
isolate separate muscle fibers inside your pectoral muscular tissues.
The pectoralis main is bigger, as the name implies, and is
superior (or located above) to the pectoralis minor, is
smaller and located under the pec main. This is probably the primary most typical
chest-building exercise after the bench press—and it’s a sure-fire technique for coaching that adduction important for
inner chest muscle development. You May need a tall cable
machine for this train, or on the very least a double resistance band setup.
They’re way more efficient in fully activating your pecs than one thing like the bench press, and they’re an excellent compound exercise.
When you do your first chest dip you’ll shortly understand what number of muscle tissue it’s going to take to stabilize you within the place.
Again, the serratus shall be concerned in plenty of chest workout routines but just
isn’t part of the internal chest we want to develop.
This muscle will be lively in many of the workout routines used to build
the inner chest but is not part of the ‘inner chest’ muscular tissues itself.
This head of the pectorals can additionally be concerned in shoulder
flexion and adduction. It becomes particularly energetic when the
arm is elevated to the extent of the shoulder. The higher portion of the pec major is the clavicular head, originating from the collar bone and attaching to
the same point as the sternal head. This part of the
pecs is a prime mover of shoulder adduction (bringing the arm closer to the
body) and flexion.
Embody it in chest-focused health club classes to help overall chest growth.
As you might anticipate, this exercise works
just like the inverse of the decline press, allowing you
to channel your energy towards the highest of your pectoral.
It’s an excellent lower pectoral exercise that fits properly right
into a chest-based routine. But try to avoid performing these day
by day as the prolonged movement causes muscular tissues to tear.
Begin with lower rep counts, and as you improve, you can add more reps to construct additional
Plus I’ll direct you to a resistance coaching plan to assist you
get a robust chest regardless of what tools you may have obtainable.
There’s an entire treasure trove filled with exercises and exercises to be uncovered to blast the
chest that can sculpt your pecs and push your upper body coaching days to the next degree.
Just bear in mind, if your goal is to build chest muscle, you
should aim to work using the right protocols for hypertrophy, with essentially the most environment friendly rep schemes and rest periods.
Nonetheless, some exercisers method chest coaching with a really narrow strategy.
The Worldwide Chest Day model, which consists of barbell bench
press and little else, does not offer you an opportunity for a totally diversified chest exercise.
Your chest muscles – along together with your shoulders,
higher again, and arms – make out the frame of your torso,
and has a excessive influence in your visual look.
Constructing big and powerful pecs is thus necessary regardless if your goal is bigger athleticism, or building a
classic physique. Not positive which workouts will work greatest on your current fitness level?
It acts closely on the sternal head, which is what we want
for the internal chest. While the bench press doesn’t act directly on the inner chest,
it develops the strength that helps the workout routines
that do. If you’re struggling with maintaining the weight balanced,
you can experiment with raising your hips off
of the bench slightly. Getting extra stability beneath your belt is
going to assist with your core energy in addition to methodically turning your pecs into solid
steel as you build and industrialize your pectoral muscles.
Dumbbell pullovers are just like cranium crushers,
but a couple of tweaks to the train make this an incredible movement for your pectoral muscle tissue.
It combines the flexion and adduction of your decrease chest,
and it’s simple to pack on a lot of weight here as
you progress.
Cable flyes are a flexible exercise with quite
a few advantages that may significantly improve your chest
day routine. One of the first benefits of cable flyes is their exceptional chest activation potential.
Not Like many different chest exercises, cable flyes permit
you to keep constant tension in your chest muscle tissue throughout the whole vary of movement.
As you deliver your hands collectively at chest degree during the exercise, you’ll experience an intense contraction in the chest
area, emphasizing the inside chest. You see, there are such a lot of more chest workouts that may help you swell
your pecs.
Additionally, by honing in on just one side, you’ll have the ability to
iron out some asymmetries. Whereas horizontal presses from a mendacity place (supine or
pushup) are great for strength, when you focus on it, the standing chest press
is essentially the most practical sort of horizontal press you
are able to do. I’m Pat Chadwick, a professional Degree 2 and Stage
3 calisthenics coach and authorized personal coach from London, England.
I truly have over six years of experience coaching college students particularly in the art
of calisthenics. I’ve competed in various UK competitions,
together with the Kalos Stenos Championships, the place I achieved third
place within the lightweight class. My passion is
highlighting the brilliant thing about calisthenics as an genuine and pure type of physique expression.
To carry out the broad grip bench press with proper form,
begin by mendacity flat on a bench with your ft flat
on the ground. Grip the barbell with your palms slightly
wider than shoulder-width apart and decrease the bar in direction of your chest,
preserving your elbows tucked in close to your body. Push the bar back up to the starting place, extending your arms absolutely.
In the shoulder girdle, the pectoralis minor and serratus anterior are the main muscular tissues concerned.
The small pectoralis minor is located in the higher chest and is covered by
the pectoralis main. The serratus anterior lies on the outer floor of the ribs at the sides (just below the armpit) and is covered by the scapula on the rear and the pectoralis main in front.
So far, we discussed inner chest workouts using equipment
and therefore principally accomplished at the gym. An superior version of
the traditional pushup, this train can goal your internal pec
and your triceps effectively. If you are already a grasp at the pushup exercise, apply your means up to this variation, and be ready to get shocked with the
outcomes. Bench presses, pushups, dips – there are many chest exercises that help in pumping
up the chest muscles and supplying you with the ultimate sculpted
higher physique. Nevertheless, no matter how exhausting you attempt,
achieving the right inside chest muscle is still a troublesome task.
One good factor about the cable squat over the barbell squat is that
the load is extra evenly distributed, and there’s a fixed
load on your legs all through the
entire vary of movement. The straight arm lat pulldown is
doubtless certainly one of the greatest workouts for strengthening your lats (back).
This isolation train also can assist improve your posture and build a a lot bigger
back. You can perform the completely different variations of the lat pulldown to maintain your exercise recent and challenging.
They encompass a metal frame that houses a sequence of pulleys, cables, and weight stacks—different kinds
of handles or attachments to coach the muscles from all angles.
The Cable machine workouts are versatile and
efficient methods to improve muscle mass and stability.
As for the ideal rep range, the ideal rep vary will range for
everyone primarily based in your strength stage. This is exactly as I’ve emphasized in my previous full body house workout article.
So as a substitute, merely give consideration to pushing every single set both to
failure or inside a rep or two short of failure.
As this is crucial so as to maximize progress should you don’t have
entry to heavy weights. But I’d recommend as an alternative splitting
the workout routines up into no much less than 2 days throughout the week using
an upper/lower split, for instance. This just permits you to
higher handle the training quantity and frequency.
That Means, that as an alternative of reaching peak resistance at or
near the underside of the motion, you’ll reach peak resistance barely closer
to the center of the motion. This distinction in drive curve may present an additional stimulus on your chest to grow.
Sturdy chest muscles improve your physical performance in each athletic
endeavor where you project force forward – whether or not you’re throwing a
ball, a punch, or pushing an opponent out of your means.
The pectoralis main covers the whole chest on all sides
of the sternum; the decrease portion attaches to the sternum while
the upper portion attaches to the clavicle.
The coracobrachialis lies within the higher center portion of the arm, and the anterior deltoid constitutes the entrance of the shoulder.
Right Here, it’s time to squeeze the last bit of labor out of your
pecs for this exercise.
Most individuals are beneath the impression that they can’t pack on a lot chest measurement with just body weight chest
workouts at house. And that heavy urgent movements within the gym are as a substitute essential
to doing so. Admittedly, these urgent actions within the gym are extraordinarily efficient and handy to
make use of to construct your chest. The incline dumbbell press targets the higher chest with the extra benefit of elevated range of movement and improved stability.
This exercise is especially effective for activating the clavicular
head of the pectoralis main. A controlled tempo and a slight
pause on the bottom of the movement additional enhance muscle activation.
You’ve spent all of this time working on it, and
the shape just isn’t there yet. This part of your pecs is answerable for a
lot of the motion of your arms that it’s straightforward to overlook out on the workouts that can actually blast them.
Take some time to be taught more about your inner chest, and extra importantly a couple of workout routines
that can actually put you head and shoulders (and chest) above the rest.
The advantages of the Reverse Grip Dumbbell Bench Press embrace elevated upper
chest, shoulder, and tricep power, improved stability and stability, and enhanced muscular endurance.
This train can also assist improve posture and overall higher body aesthetics.
The finest kind for cable crossovers is to maintain your core tight and your back straight all through the motion. Make sure
to focus on squeezing your chest muscle tissue at the end of the motion to get essentially
the most out of the train.
This is where isolation exercises, similar to flyes or the Pec Deck Machine, are required
to assist develop the lower, inner, and upper chest muscular
tissues. The seated cable chest press is an effective
exercise for targeting the chest muscle tissue whereas additionally participating
the triceps and shoulders. To carry out the exercise, sit on a bench facing the cable machine
and grab the handles along with your palms dealing with down.
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